Episode 135 - Robert McKee - The Legendary author of ”Story,” Live and in Person

Episode #135

In today's very special episode, I sit down with the legendary Robert McKee, author of "STORY - Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting."

Robert McKee is regarded by many as one of the greatest experts on the subject of Story and in particular, screenwriting, in the world. He has presented his STORY Seminar hundreds of time all around the globe over the last 30 years to screenwriters, novelists, playwrights, poets, you name it. Those who have learned from McKee have called him “the Aristotle of our time” because of his insight into the substance, structure of the art of story.

McKee’s former students include over 60 Academy Award Winners, 200 Academy Award Nominees, 200 Emmy Award Winners, 1000 Emmy Award Nominees, and much more.

Find out more about him and what he offers at https://mckeestory.com/


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